Wednesday, May 7, 2008

6 Ways to Job Search

By Annmarie Edwards

Job searching the right way can land you the job you seek. Job search begins with you. Knowing what you want, coupled with doing a self assessment, network with people in the field, create a short-and-long term goal, compile a skill list and finally, make a list of your experiences are things to do to help you find the job you seek.

Here are 6 tips to job search:

1. Knowing your self is the first step to job search. You have to know what kind of person you are, what kind of setting you are looking to work in, what you have to give and what your expectation of the job you seek. Importantly, during your job search, think about what is in it for your prospective employer. Knowing yourself is crucial to job search. This is a time to get a grip of your perspective by seeing everything as a whole and not in parts.

2. Conduct a self-assessment. You can contact a career consultant to begin this process or you can research self-assessment tools that are available online. (

3. Define long-and short-term goals. These targets are important for forming a plan of action. Include personal and professional goals on your list.

4. Brainstorm and compile. Make a list of your experiences and achievements and include those that relate to the type of joy you are seeking. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and highlight leadership, creativity, or versatility. (Refrain from listing religious or political affiliations unless you are certain that they would enhance your chances for consideration.

5. Create a skill list. It is important to outline skills that apply to the type of job you are seeking. For example, if applying for an administrative position, your desktop publishing experience, typing speed, communication skills, and leadership roles would be important to include.

6. Network with people in your field. An active and growing professional network is critical. Tell everyone you know that your are available for hire, and ask your contacts to share any news of opportunities. Place more emphasis on hidden markets – unadvertised opportunities.

Finally, remember job search takes persistence, don’t give up, continue to job search until you find the right job. Good luck!

Copyrighted © 2008 excerpted from 50 Proven Strategies to Maximize Your Job Search by Annmarie Edwards.

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